List of changes:
-New Administrative password option. Now it is possible to configure an administrative password to block the access to the Air Live Drive settings, disks settings, add or remove drives or connect or disconnect drives.
-Fixed Yandex.
-TeraCLOUD updated to InfiniCLOUD.
-Fixed Can’t mount subfolders on 4th level.
-Now it is possible to specify the startup password in the command line with the /password= parameter, for example AirLiveDrive.exe mount F: /password=mipass.
-Fixed issue reading Box folders lists that could cause duplicated items.
-Fixed it was not possible to download some recently uploaded files to Google Drive.
-Fixed box can not read folder with more than 300000 items.
-Removed Arvancloud.
-Fixed adding Huawei Drive accounts.
-Fixed, it was not possible to upload files larger that 2GB to HiDrive.
-Fixed issue uploading very large files to Google Drive with very slow connections.
-Fixed downloading files from Dropbox team folders.
-Fixed Dropbox generate shared links.
-Show Backup devices on Jottacloud and Onlime.
-Updated wasabi endpoints.
-Updated Hungarian translation (Thanks to John Fowler).

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