Today, technology has transformed the way we work. Online work, also known as telecommuting or remote work, has become a growing trend around the world. From home or anywhere else with internet access, we can collaborate with teams, serve clients and perform work tasks without being physically present in a traditional office. So in an … Continue Reading
How to free up space on your hard drive by uploading files to the cloud
In the digital age, we store more and more files on our computers. However, if we overfill our hard drive, it can affect the overall performance of our computer. If the disk is almost full, errors and crashes are more likely to occur. In addition, some programs may stop working properly if they do not … Continue Reading
Copy files easily between clouds
Air Live Drive mounts your clouds as local drives. This allows you to see your cloud accounts as disks in your Windows Explorer. In this way, it is very easy to access and work with your files. You can directly access the files that are saved in your cloud, open them with the program you … Continue Reading
Air Live Drive, add your clouds as disk drives to your computer
With Air Live Drive you can connect your clouds as disk drives on your computer and work with the clouds as local disks. It’s very easy, you only have to configure your cloud accounts in Air Live Drive and, when you open the program, you can see your clouds as disk drives on your Windows … Continue Reading
Air Live Drive vs. Air Explorer
Air Live Drive mounts your clouds as disk drives in your computer. It allows you to use your usual tools or programs directly on the files in the cloud. Air Explorer shows your cloud files from different clouds in its own interface. This interface is optimized for accessing cloud servers (it has tabs, and a split screen to transfer files). … Continue Reading